01 July 2008

I get the sense

that my moon is in Uranus, or perhaps my head is in my anus. This is just a collection of how well my day went.

1 - Installed panty shield sticky side up. Was not prepared for the depilatory efficiency.

2 - Whilst in my office, gave by sunburnt cleavage a scratch and discovered Stripe the cats morning antibiotic dose in said cleavage.

3 - Coworker L had obvious bruising and swelling to ring finger (this was obvious from across the room) knowing L is on umpteen kinds of cardiac meds including blood thinners, I suggested she go see the nurse. Given my own experience with the nurse, I should not have been surprised that L was sent back with an ice pack. The nurse suggested she take a Benadryl or two thinking that something had bitten her. So good, the mice probably have their own pets that bite.

4 - One word - shart.

5 - Burnt the torilla chips whilst mesquite smoking them and dropped one of them down me cleavage. Joy more itching.

I will leave it there for now, noting that it is not 9 pm yet.


Shazza said...

Wait what?

Cat antiobotic?

I don't think I want to know what that is.

Shark Butt said...

amoxicillin for stripe the cat and the perpetual feast that is his bladder ills.