31 October 2008

Not Just a Freakin' River in Egypt

Denial, it takes many forms and guises. Earlier in the week, I experienced knee pain, I don't do joint pain so I heeded the warning and refrained from Aikido until I could consult with P the torturer who is charged with all my orthopedic, chiropractic and muscular needs. She tested for a sartorius strain, no joy and checked the meniscus, nothing there - good news and given my symptoms thought perhaps my medial collateral ligament had been tweaked and perhaps I should rest and ice it. I have done that and it's gotten worse, and this is only my insight and certainly no reflection on any of the cadre of professional torturers I consult, but I think it's arthritis. It's no longer a medial deal and if I exercise (2.5 miles in 40 minutes @ the gym tonight) it feels better and it does, I'm guessing it's arthritis.


Fireblossom said...

You rong. You rexperiencink pain cos sara palin has her razor sharp rodent teef sunk in you leg. Her want to stop you from ebber gedding married n stuff. She say she reed yor blog and you an arab. She say she reed yor blog and you pal around wif nutjobs. She say you not even a reel amarican. chomp chomp. pain. see?

yor frend,


Shazza said...

Ewwwww knee pain.

I can empathize.

Feel better soon.

Shark Butt said...

Thanks Shazza! I know you know!