03 March 2022


this fucking thing is

Not even the size of a MacDonalds french fry, it's about a third of the size of a MacDonalds french fry. 

... well yep

Side effects, I've had a few, more than a few
Lost the hair, aside from about 4.5 eyelash hairs and about 3 eyebrows per side.
Diarrhea, oh my sweet Jesus, diarrhea like you can't even believe. And couldn't control it with Imodium and lomotil. Completely counter-intuitively, Metamucil helped along with probiotics. 
Nausea because, is it even chemo without nausea? And famotidine worked better for me than compazine etc.
Thrush - good times, she said facetiously.
Neuropathy - check, mainly on the same side as the tumor.
Blood sugar roller coaster due to the steroids and subsequent glimiperide. 
Visitors from the planet Hemorrhoid.
Rashes- I don't need no stinkin' rashes.
Fingers splitting at the cuticles. Mouth splits at the corners. 
Weight loss- have diarrhea and nausea 10 days out of every 3 weeks for 5 months, you'll have that.
Not saying it caused any AFib, not saying it didn't.
Gas- but can't trust it cuz with that kind of diarrhea a shart is just a whisper away.
The tumor is named Pia because it's a complete and utter pain in my ass.