24 August 2007

Land of the half assed fuck wit

Often in the arcane and inane world of gubmint, decisions are made with such a collossal lack of judgement or even obvious thought that the stupidity demonstrated is almost mystical. Yes, there is a level of stupid that is so stupid it is transcendant and mystical. A perfect storm of stupid, born of arrogance, ignorance and an absolute inability to consider that someone who spends most of her day close to the action and actually managing the action might know better.

I've long maintained that an employer does not really have the ability to make someone care about their job. Go through the motions in order to get paid, sure. But care, really care, nope. But they can make you stop caring. I have begun to approach that point and it ain't pretty.

I've learned to accept a certain level of stupidity and ignorance but once that level is exceeded, my usual levels of relative equanimity fade away and I morph into the crazed loon that I was before I attained the wisdom of 40 and Buddha camp. That crazed loon can actually use 15 or more variations on the word fuck in one 18 word sentence. That crazed loon will also commence the rant by issuing the suggestion to pull one's head out of one's ass preferably one ear at a time to facilitate a less painful and hopefully swifter evacuation of the rectum. A certain amount of raving pertinent to the subject at hand and to close with the always articulate fuck 'em the fucking idiot fuck. After all that energy has been expelled, I give far less of a fuck than I did before and that's the bad news. If I disengage my attention from what I do it won't be pretty. But could be funny. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Shazza said...

Oh boy - I can't wait to hear what brought this on!!!