31 July 2008

Meme Thing From Shazza

The rules:
1. Post the link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 songs you are embarrassed to admit to others that you like and tell why.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post

Here's Shazza's link: !Random!

Ok, here's the twist, even though I'm what people call a lapsed Catholic (pshaw, I ran, I didn't lapse) I spent a lot of time in Catholic school and a lot of time in church and really, the music is the only thing I miss. Appalling, yes, but if it ain't Baroque don't fix it. (I'm here 'til Tuesday try the veal and be sure to tip your hardworking waitresses and bartenders)

1- O' Come O' Come Emmanuel - if your ass is in grade school, they (the nuns) make you sing a lot to keep you busy.

2- Don't recall the title but the lyric - O saving victim open wide the gates of heaven to man below... ya just don't get lyrics like that in Tibetan chants, even if I spoke more than 6 words of Tibetan.

3- Ave Maria - my sister and I occasionally indulge in Mafia movie/chickflick marathons. We get through the slow parts but fastforwarding and chanting 1,2,3, die. But we both agreed that we will not allow this to be played at any funerals we are in charge of, because someone always gets whacked!

4- Mickey by Toni Basil - ok not churchy, but cheerleadery and even more importantly corny as hell.

5- Milkshake by Kelis - this in and of itself is not a terribly embarrassing song, certainly not in the league with church music and Toni Basil. What renders it appallingly embarrassing for me is the Pavlovian effect it has on my ass shaking. I'm generously supplied with ass and so that it doesn't get away from me and hurt anyone, mostly it's clenched. Milkshake rocks it loose!

So anyone reading this, if you feel like it, consider yourself tagged

22 July 2008

Well, Speaking of Getting Out of MY HEAD

and back in my body. Wore a brand new bullet proof sports bra today, the puppies where perky, the puppies were not moving. The puppies were trapped like rats. And typically if I'm upright the puppies are brassiered, but when I got to my car this afternoon, I went all free willie on the twins. There is nothing that quite grabs the attention like sore breasts. Trust me.

21 July 2008

But I Liked This One and Sharkbutt Did not

He says it has too many words.

Sharkbutt and I enjoyed this


Every once in a while the universe manages to give me a semi-brisk swat upside the head, a reminder to please pay attention. Starts off gently, but if I ignore it for too long the reminders become less gentle and more profound. Having learned quite some time ago that there really are no such things as coincidences, I slowly begin to acknowledge what I've apparently always known. My work here isn't done yet, as much as I'd like to coast at my previous accomplishments of mucking out the stalls of my past, I'm reminded, nope, not done yet, not by a long damn shot. As much as I like to believe I've accepted the past as reality, there are aspects of it that I go out of my way to avoid thinking about, feeling about and exploring in order to have them fit into the whole as opposed to monitoring their expulsion to the corner. Unbidden they roar to the surface, and I'm off on a roller coaster ride but this time of my own volition. Reminding myself that equanimity is nice fucking work if you can get it, but not at the cost of numbing out. Having spent as much time as I did as a blackout drunk, I know that numbing out doesn't really work too well for me. Nor did the rage addiction style of numbing out, nor is the bulk in which I've wrapped myself to help preserve the illusion of invulnerability by keeping most ordinary kinds of vulnerability at bay. Nor does this whole bliss kitten meditation addicted trip I've been on of late. Which I was trying to pretend that I didn't know. So it's time for me to wade on into the middle of the tumultuous essence that I've been skirting the sides of for a little too long now. The good news to me at least is that I will get out of my head for a bit and back into my body and who knows, perhaps my right goddamned mind. Whatever that is.

08 July 2008


I went to the beach with the fabulous Ms. S and the amazing JT yesterday. It was a delightful day at the beach, cooling breeze, not too too sunny. Not terribly crowded and the company was excellent. I have always been a big beach fan and periodically go and sit alone or with some of my grown up friends. But it's always delightful to go with JT, his excitement at being at the beach reflects my own and while I'm not entirely certain he finds it as soothing as I do. I'm not entirely certain anyone finds it as soothing as I do. The time I've spent at the beach has been the secret to any remaining mental health I possess.

01 July 2008

I get the sense

that my moon is in Uranus, or perhaps my head is in my anus. This is just a collection of how well my day went.

1 - Installed panty shield sticky side up. Was not prepared for the depilatory efficiency.

2 - Whilst in my office, gave by sunburnt cleavage a scratch and discovered Stripe the cats morning antibiotic dose in said cleavage.

3 - Coworker L had obvious bruising and swelling to ring finger (this was obvious from across the room) knowing L is on umpteen kinds of cardiac meds including blood thinners, I suggested she go see the nurse. Given my own experience with the nurse, I should not have been surprised that L was sent back with an ice pack. The nurse suggested she take a Benadryl or two thinking that something had bitten her. So good, the mice probably have their own pets that bite.

4 - One word - shart.

5 - Burnt the torilla chips whilst mesquite smoking them and dropped one of them down me cleavage. Joy more itching.

I will leave it there for now, noting that it is not 9 pm yet.