12 December 2008

Sharkbutt Insists and Who Am I to Argue?

I am going to do this
but, no not quick enough for sharkbutt, I'm not a cow and I don't moo.

1) I drink a lot of water, I used to drink a lot of scotch, big lot.
2) I'm not that bad at cooking, I'm bad at keeping track of the recipe.
3) I do have a coworker that's nutty as squirrel poo.
4) My ring tone is the theme from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - parallel with my life.
5) I skateboard in my living room.
6) Hanging out with the guys is even more peaceful than hanging out with the cats http://www.namgyal.org/
7) THe moon is full tonight and I was just out baying at it, the nastygram from the homeowners ass is probably already in the mail.
8) I read alot.
9) My Saturday wear is a hoody and a sarong, stylin'.
10) I'm thinking instead of gay people not being allowed to enter into marriage let's just call everyone's deal civil unions and be done with it.

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