24 October 2010

Some Post Funeral Thoughts

To get you up to speed, my dad died suddenly October 18th. And it was every bit the hot mess of suck you'd expect. And then some. I have to interject some levity into the situation because otherwise it is unbearable.

Do not ask the adult children of the deceased (or anyone else for that matter) 'do you know who I am?' unless you want the honest answer. Ooh wait, Some kind of jackass. A moron, perhaps.

Do read people's body language, I know mine said loud and clear I am trying to get through this so please do not make me cry.


Shark Butt said...

I've cried at funerals for people whom I'd never met. Could hire my crazy ass out.

thank you.

Evelyn said...

I'll keep that in mind the next time I need to avoid natural&healthy emotional expression.