I did 6 rounds of heavy hitting chemo (Cisplatin, Taxotere and Herceptin) 4 rounds of immunotherapy (just Herceptin) and 10 rounds of targeted chemo (kadcyla, aka Herceptin and emantasine), there was also a portacath insertion and a lumpectomy. Oh and 21 rounds of radiation. Still have tingling in my left snack hook and have accessorized with DeQuervains tenosynovitis in the right snack hook. My hair has returned both curly and darker. I lost 50lbs, my sense of humor for about 4 months, as well as my hair, all my hair, no hair in winter is a cold cold situation. I am currently looking at 4 more treatments, 5 years of hormone blockers. On the bright side of things, the lump was too small for the clinical trial for small tumors, 7 days after my lumpectomy we joined a hatchet throwing league and I was able to kayak the week before surgery (and a month after so score) . Additionally I know consider myself mainly feral, which really isn't that big a lift from my formerly polite but not friendly. I refer to my left one alternately as Peg, Stump and Lucky. Mostly lucky because it was caught on a screening mammogram before it was palpable. My tumor is triple hormone positive which is really good news now but 15 years ago not so much. Mainly because the immunotherapy medications are complete game changers.