14 June 2008


So I'm off to a wedding later today, I'm not much for weddings and not simply because my kind are discouraged from having them and so forth. It's mainly because the sentiment expressed is not based in the reality of history. Love, forever, blah, blah, blah. Back in the day, it was a way to maintain a woman as property. People seem to forget that. And then you have the religical nuts who maintain that God has a hand in all this, ummm, hi, in that case it's just sanctified fucking and let's us knock off with this pretense of trying to holy it up, shall we? Then there is this whole business of people putting more time, energy and attention in to the wedding than they do into the marriage. Why? Is it because it's a couple of multi-billion dollar a year businesses, weddings and divorces? And marriage is work, sometimes brutally hard work? It is hard to know.


Fireblossom said...

So, I'm thinking that you probably don't cry at weddings like I do? Unless it is from sheer exasperation?

Shazza said...

I did the whole wedding thing in another life time and it cured me from them forever.