18 March 2008


Every now and then the 'defense of marriage crowd' gets their collective panties in a bunch about gay marriage and I wonder why it is they carry on so vociferously about gay marriage but don't make nearly as much noise about the liberalization of the divorce laws. And then we see the legally married folks in the news like your Britney Spears and Kevin Federline, your Pam Anderson and Tommy Lee or Kid Rock or whoever else. And what is it precisely that marriage is being protected from? And I could venture down the road of Michael Jackson and the party with whom he managed to reproduce. And I think you churchy motherfuckers need to pull your heads out of your asses one ear at a time and get real. It ain't the people who are fighting for the rights you take for granted that you need to protect marriage from. It's the morons who need a hundred dollars, a blood test and a coupla witnesses on a drunken tear in Vegas. And really it's the kids that need to be protected from marriage. See Brown, Nixmary, for starters.

I do understand that many in the Judeo Christian tradition find marriage to be a religious experience, Buddhists do not. It is an earthly pursuit and whether it is earthly or a religious pursuit, part of the point of it was the protection of kids. So maybe, just maybe society could work on that.

1 comment:

Shazza said...

Hear, hear!