28 May 2008

Because Aspirations for the End of Suffering of all Sentient Beings Does Not Keep Me Nearly Busy Enough

I've decided that it's time for the cats to be toilet trained. I'd seen this proposed for years and must confess to being exceedingly curious about the video many of the kits include. Who is the video for, the cats or the foodchik/dude? Since I did not buy an apparatus that involved video I still cannot answer that question. Photos and updates as events warrant or as my whim of iron moves me.


Fireblossom said...

Dis blog donut make no sens ad all. Why wood anyone want to pee in a toilet? Wut, you markink it, like dis here ish MY toilet, back way da heck off? You fink dat renegade bands of foodchiks going to trespass and use you baffroom?

Wull, I yam just a dog, but it seems mental to me.



Shazza said...

I want to be there as a witness to this insane adventure.