19 February 2008

Down Dog

It would seem I've got a spot of tendonitis in my left infraspinatus tendon and that whole rotator cuff is a bit of a train wreck. I was reading the motherships Yoga Journal today in which it suggested if you could externally rotate your shoulders whilst executing the downward facing dog pose you could strenghten the infraspinati and supraspinati and the other li'l devils that make up the rotator cuff. The trick being that one does not excessively externally rotate these puppies lest one pop the head of the humerus out of the shoulder girdle like it belonged to a Barbie doll or something.

As I am an adventurous kind of gal, I will be whipping out the old yoga mat and giving this a test drive. And so long as I don't fuck up my shoulders I'll report how it goes.


Scullery Dog Sam said...
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Scullery Dog Sam said...

"Down Dog" ????????

HEY! I should be taking offense somewhere, but truth be told, I have no idea what you're talking about. Then again, I leave the practice of yoga and other stretching exercises to those more nimble thimble than I.

I am but a mere pup who has learned that a rotator cuff can be exercised by letting one's arm travel up the side of a doorway.

Be well and happy ...

Shark Butt said...

How you? I know about the taking of offense, FOODCHIK do something called a catcow, this is ridiculous. And of course, cow is very insulting to cats.

Me will tell her about the travelling upside the doorway, me think her should be able to do it so that me get pets.

Have a happy day,