29 February 2008


As I've no doubt recounted here a time or two, I was raised Catholic and am now Buddhist, took some vows a few years ago. And it's interesing to sometimes here how complex theories get dumbed down for the mainstream. I heard karma described as 'that's Buddhist for I'm rubber, you're glue'.

28 February 2008

Search And Destroy

Well, I was feeling energetic upon my arrival home from work today and set forth with my trusty black light and my $25 spray can of anti-cat-funk and sprayed all the hotspots on the carpet which aside from the 3 piles of hurl included several unknown stains that glowed brightly in the luminescence of the black light. So I sprayed and sprayed and whilst I'm not quite sure what sort of solventy type, air plane glue scent we're all inhaling here, we're inhaling plenty of it. And someone rolled in it and had to be rinsed. He was not pleased. I'm certain he will discuss it on his blog.

19 February 2008

Down Dog

It would seem I've got a spot of tendonitis in my left infraspinatus tendon and that whole rotator cuff is a bit of a train wreck. I was reading the motherships Yoga Journal today in which it suggested if you could externally rotate your shoulders whilst executing the downward facing dog pose you could strenghten the infraspinati and supraspinati and the other li'l devils that make up the rotator cuff. The trick being that one does not excessively externally rotate these puppies lest one pop the head of the humerus out of the shoulder girdle like it belonged to a Barbie doll or something.

As I am an adventurous kind of gal, I will be whipping out the old yoga mat and giving this a test drive. And so long as I don't fuck up my shoulders I'll report how it goes.


I've been off the codeine for a week and holy shit, it's like I'm a different person. Note to self - opiates=depressants and really, we need no additional help. I harbor no illusions of me being an energetic soul on my very best of days. But it's almost as if I didn't get out of this friggin' recliner to do anything but work, eat, sleep and get tortured. And occasionally clean a cat box for the better part of 2 months. This is a road I've been on before and as I described in the episode where our heroine leaves the house with a stove burner on, I needed to pull my head out of my ass quick like. So now it is out. And that's better. And maybe now I'll get my damn taxes done.

18 February 2008

Another Meme Deal

Saw this on Shazza's blog and as I'm not coherent enough for original thought right now, here we go.

Where is your cell phone? In my pocket

Vehicle? Pickup truck

Hair? Yes, it's brown with some blonde stripeys in it.

Father? Nope, Foodchik, but yes I have one. He is also tall, blue eyed and snarky.

Your favorite thing? My WTF magnets

Dream last night? not that I recall

Favorite drink? Water

Room you are in? We just call it downstairs here.

Your ex? brilliant, funny, awash in irony.

You are? Tall, blue eyed, snarky

What do you want to be in ten years? Debt free and comfortable, and working as a massage therapist specializing in babies (easier on the hands)

Who did you hang out with today? catz

What you're not? suffering fools gladly.

Muffins? duh.

One of your wish list items? I had more free time and was less chaotic

Where is the ____? remote. somewhere.

The last thing you did? Read about new book Soprano State and ordered it from amazon

What are you wearing? sedona tshirt, black and multicolor printed fish sarong and hiking boots. Glamour is my middle name.


Your pet(s)? 3 cats and some shit in the refrigerator that'd come to life if I let it come to room temp.

Your computer? Dell

Your life? It's an adventure.

Your mood? loopy.

Missing? sassafrasmama

What are you thinking about right now? sassafrasmama, coffee, socks would have been a warmer idea.

Your shoes? hiking boots

Your work? I am a full time professional minion.

Your summer? summery

Your favorite colour? Indigo

15 February 2008

Happy Belated Valentine's Day

Yes, I realize it's the ides of February already, and well, I spent the big day yesterday, working and then getting my hair did. Siiiiigh, I am turning into high maintenance girl after having spent my life as no maintenance girl. Anyway, I spent last Saturday happily celebrating the Day of the Valentine with the lovely Sassafras Mama. And it was grand and most delightful.

Tonight, I spent hosting a Reiki Circle, as I do the third Friday of most months. Reiki is a hands on healing modality and at the circles we generally talk about what Reiki is and why people do it and might like to receive it and so forth. And what it all boils down to is unconditional love. Sometimes absolute strangers walk into the room and after we've spoken about Reiki, offer an explanation, and a guided meditation and hands on reiki, they often talk excitedly about what they felt and are curious about what it means. And they keep coming back.

12 February 2008

Fresh Hell Damn, I Scare Me

My Uncle Jim used to say it's better to be lucky than good. Uncle Jim had a lot of choice sayings but that will be a subject for another day. I made a pot of chili today, commenced making it about 1045am (this becomes important later), it has to simmer for about an hour after the meat has been browned and so forth. So let's say it was done at noon. I put it into containers in the fridge. And went upstairs to shower and meet the 'rents for lunch. Come back from lunch and decide it's time to nap. Take a look at the chili pot and think this needs some soapy water in it. And went up for my nap. Came back down from the nap and went into the kitchen for some ice water and notice that the burner flame is still on under the chili pot. Yes, 6 hours later and I'd left the house. How lucky am I that my house didn't burn down? Pretty freakin' lucky.

09 February 2008

Random Ponderings

There is so much astir in the world today, war in Iraq and Afghanistan, breathtaking incompetence in Washington and Trenton, presidential campaigns and most of my focus and energy remains (as it has for the past year) on cat pee. Deep background, I have 3 cats, they were all adopted out of 'strayhood' Puppy D was first among the cats that chose me to be her foodchik and I have served as such for nearly 10 years. Stripe J was the second, I got him as a 2lb 6 week old kitten and now he is an 18lb 8 year old menace with urinary tract issues. Sharkbutt came to me as a 12 week old 5 lb kitten and he's been around for 3 years. So Puppy D and Sharkbutt are (knockwood) bomb proof. Every once in a while we get a little hairball action and that's that.

Stripe is a whole 'nother story. One fine summer afternoon I came home to find him on his back penis distended unable to get up. I said to myself, self, this is not bad. Especially he was panting and not in a way that one necessarily associates with a distended penis. So I crated him off to the cat ER where it was determined his ureter was blocked. He stayed in for 4 days and $800 and 2 chewed catheters and 3 baths later he came home. Last winter I came home to not be able to find Stripe, normally Stripe would be more aptly named Suppository because he is always up my ass. So I go in search of himself, hear him yowling and stuck on his back with penis distended and we whirl off to the cat ER, 1 week and 2 grand later he comes home with prescription food and me with a twitch.

So now, I'm fiendish in my observation of his behavior, too much grooming of the nethers puts me into a state of heightened awareness, as does any kind of yowling. In addition to the prescription foods, he's also on cat gatorade which would be more familiar to you as chicken broth.

With all the unrest in the world today, I'm kind of grateful that my main consuming worry is Stripe and the mystery of can he pee.

07 February 2008

Zicam Is the Shizzizzle

For some reason, this winter has plagued me with 3, count them 3 head colds. I hate head colds. It's not unusual for me to get one a year but 3 and it's only the first week in February is a bit extreme. I had been taking an assortment of herbal cold remedies and immune booster deals. Olive leaf extract being a key ingredient, in addition to the vitamin C. Vitamin C and I have a very challenging relationship but more on that later. When I came home from work on Tuesday the onset of the cold was sudden and throat grabbing. I was a desperate girl, so I followed the directions and shot Zicam up my nostrils q 2 hrs as advised (somewhere online not in the accompanying literature) and today, 2 days later, it's almost gone. I've still got a little hoarseness. But everything else is gone including the earache. This rocks!

Zicam is fabulous!

02 February 2008

Fish and the Lion

I have 3 siblings (and yes, technically they are all younger, technically as a matter of dates on birth certificates, however; 2 of them have offspring which cranks them up there in the age book) Their birthdays all fall within the 10 day period from 31 January to 9 February. And gasp.... my baby sister a/k/a Boog is turning 40. I enjoyed when I turned 40, but am having an issue or two about her crossing of the great divide.

So the family I grew up in consisted of 3 Aquarians, 1 Aries (popsicle) and 2 Leos (the mothership and me). It made/makes for an interesting mix of personalities and so forth, although I suspect that is more a function of being nurtured to be at least partly smartassed most days.

So happiest of birthdays to all of you all.