12 September 2006


I've been a student of Aikido for about 10-12 years with some injury time outs here and there. I've been cleared to return from a cracked clavicle. This is wonderful to me. Just being in the energy of the dojo, laughing with the dojo kids and us old mat rats, is delightful. The sensation of hitting the mat that first after awhile away, being thrown well, the mid-air adjustments required when I'm thrown less well or have to throw myself. Flying into a breakfall, with the happy news being the landing was safe and nothing broke. For me, Aikido is totally engaging from the minute I step on the mat, whether I'm nage (the thrower) or uke (the thrown) it's mesmerizing. And randori, free practice with multiple attackers is terrific - the flow - be, react, throw, nothing extra, nothing missing, it's all about being in the moment, keeping the ukes safe and off the walls. Damn, aside from the instructor, I was the only woman out of her teens on the mat. And only one of 3 people over 20. The technique is still strong though, despite my advanced age. Just goes to show age and treachery will overcome youth and skill. And my muscles have very good memories.

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