05 September 2006

Guilt or Why I Got a Passport

A few years ago when the parental units were travelling to Italy, my mother became obsessed with the idea that should anything go awry (i.e. her or my father's remains should for some reason need to be shipped back to the US) that I being the oldest would need to fly to the rescue. I demurred by saying - cremation, Fed Ex envelope, poof - you're back. Her response, 'but what if one of us gets sick?' Mine, 'you went to nursing school, sporty, not me, I don't speak Italian and your people consider me a heathen, pagan sinner (and a bold brazen harlot). I'd be an asset to you in Vatican City, why?' Well, to make a long and pointless argument short, I got the passport and post 9-11, it's been handy for travelling. Haven't been out of the country but that's mostly due to this Arizona obsession I've developed in my old age.

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